The Best Books for your Family's Liberty Education

The Best Books for your Family's Liberty Education

The last two years, our world was turned upside down by out-of-control power-drunk politicians, and we look out over this wreckage and wonder where on earth did things go wrong?

Why were people OK with...

  • their children being kept home from school, forced to endure vastly increased screen time, when they were at 0% risk from the virus? Why were they masked, when everyone knew it would hurt their long-term ability to communicate and relate to other people?

  • lockdowns and their freedom utterly erased?

  • mandates being seen as laws?

  • 10s of thousands losing their jobs and small businesses, and many of them forced into poverty? many of them committing suicide from hopelessness?

  • experimental risky vaccines pushed upon them, without regard to their religious views, their prior immunity, or their desire to take on that risk?

  • police chasing down single joggers or single surfers on the beach?

  • convicted criminals released early back onto the streets?

  • churches closed, pastors arrested for simply opening their doors?

  • snitch lines opened and neighbor turned against their peaceful neighbor?

  • people's faces --the Imago Dei, the very sacred image of God -- being forced to be muzzled and covered? their very human existence vastly changed?

  • people burning down buildings and beating shop owners to a pulp, while media called it "mostly peaceful"?

  • when moms who were concerned about obscene pornographic books in their kids' schools were labeled domestic terrorists by the government that was supposed to be protecting them?

  • when politicians said taxpayers and parents shouldn't have a right to say what their kids were learning?

Still today, my own husband isn't allowed in his office due to his personal beliefs about forced pharmaceuticals. (I'm so proud of him for taking a stand for our family.)

Seriously, what happened to our country?

People stopped doing their duty of being We The People. Actually, they never knew their role from the very beginning. The government school system taught them to be blindly obedient to the State.

That's why they didn't just say, "No!" to all the travesties that occurred all around them in the past two years. And that's why to this day, they don't know what a precious gift we were given by God in this country's unique form of government, where they absolutely CAN and SHOULD say no to assaults on their rights. And EVERY SINGLE ONE of us needs to learn our history and Constitution so that we can restore this Christian nation to its original ideals, and transform it to something even better that it has ever been.


Teach your children to be thankful for the freedom they've been given by God. Tell them the history of every other nation up until the US, and how blessed they are to live here. Tell them about the more than 100, 000, 000 people who were killed under Marxist Communism. Tell them about how we were freed from over 2,000 years of the totalitarian kings in Europe who claimed to rule us by "divine right." Tell them about the life of brutality and poverty and looting and murder under every form of government that has existed throughout history...until the principles of Christianity began to drive nations toward respecting their neighbor's rights.

Because we love our neighbor as ourselves, we want freedom from tyranny for them. We desire the peaceful life that is birthed out of the Biblical framework. The concepts of honoring others' Life, Liberty and Property rights come directly from the Bible.

The civil government was never meant to provide for us or educate us or do anything for us beyond wielding the sword (Romans 13) to punish evildoers who violate your God-given rights to life, liberty and property. The civil government has been taking authority that never belonged to them.

God's design is SO much better than an all-powerful global government (shudder!) could ever conceive. His design is to create self-ruled people (according to God's moral law), who govern their families well and provide for them and educate them, and churches who govern and lead the local body spiritually, and then these moral people create local representative government to punish evil. The closer to home these governments are, the better they can serve the individual interests and needs of these self-ruled peoples…and they can FLOURISH.

So here are a few good tools for learning about liberty. This is not nearly an exhaustive list, but this will give your family a great start. Don’t wait for a school to teach this to your children — the Marxist public schools are actively working against these principles. Don’t wait for the perfect curriculum to lay it out neatly. It’s time to reclaim your responsibility to your kids and neighbors to teach them how to preserve their freedom.

American Covenant
By Marshall Foster

This book goes into the covenant the Pilgrims made with God asking for His blessing and the spread of Christianity in this land, and how we can restore it!

Sovereign Duty
By Krianne Hall

This is one of my most highly recommended books on this list! KrisAnne Hall is a constitutional attorney, and gets you FIRED UP about the Constitution and your rights. She tells you what your duty is as a citizen of this country, and how you need to get to work.

God & Government
By Gary Demar

Scholar Gary explains from both history and the Bible how a Christian should interact with their government, how to resist tyranny, and how the United States is unique in our founding values. This book is ESSENTIAL to your home library.

46923: A Christian Manifesto: 25th Anniversary Edition A Christian Manifesto: 25th Anniversary Edition
By Francis A. Schaeffer

If you're a Christian, you need at least one Francis Schaeffer book. This one shows how we got to this terrible humanist immoral state of affairs and what a Christian's responsibility is in changing it. We are to resist tyranny as an act of love for neighbor, and be salt and light to everyone around us!

Liberty Defined
By Ron Paul

Ron Paul puts forth the cause of liberty very simply. His wisdom and consistency in the legislature through the years is like that of a modern-day founding father. He's had a huge impact on my life!

The Bill of Rights
By James Madison and George Mason

It's a small book you can carry everywhere. Have your children memorize them! Know your rights so you can protect them when people (especially government) try to infringe them. I knew our governor had no authority to tell us to "stay home" and away from church and friends, thanks to having memorized my rights! Also worthwhile: a copy of the Declaration of Independence and a printout of your state Constitution! 

Notice the Beautiful “Liberty” china in the foreground. We celebrate Independence the entire month of July and these dishes display different important moments in our nation’s history. Please cultivate this love for freedom in your home too!!!

America's Godly Heritage
By David Barton

America has been a Christian nation from the very beginning, and this little booklet tells us all about it!

Separation of Church & State: What the Founders Meant
By David Barton

"Separation of Church and State" is nowhere to be found in our founding documents! This booklet tells us how free we really are to practice our faith in EVERY part of life, including our politics!

Advice to the Young
By Noah Webster

This simple advice from founding father, Noah Webster, helps young people know their role in the family, their community, and in the nation.

100 Bible Verses That Made America: Defining Moments That Shaped Our Enduring Foundation of Faith
By Robert Morgan

We read this book as a family at breakfastime each day in 2021. These are encouraging true stories of how the Bible shaped America.

The Founders Bible
By David Barton

This is my favorite Bible right now. I love the version they chose. And little accounts from American history are woven throughout. These accounts help us understand how God's ways create the most peaceful and beautiful society.

Kidsbooks Tuttle Twins Series
By Connor Boyack

We have this entire series and cannot recommend them more highly. The short fiction stories teach profound lessons about the role of government, the economy, and freedom. You'll learn right along with your kids as you read to them. Our favorites are: Leviathan Crisis, The Law, and Food Truck Fiasco

Brave Books: THe Island of Free Ice Cream
By Jack Posobiec

The first several Brave books are absolutely excellent. This one is my favorite. Socialism promises things for "free" but people from every socialist country tell of its horrors. Socialism encourages jealousy (not coveting is the 10th commandment!) instead of hard work and ingenuity. Meanwhile, the politicians become filthy rich and the people starve.

Lochlan, age 12, collects history books and leaves them open to interesting sections all over the house!

664004: The Mystery of History Volume 4: Wars of Independence to Modern Times The Mystery of History Volume 4: Wars of Independence to Modern Times
By Linda Lacour Hobar

Mystery of History makes history INTERESTING, as it truly is! This is a great history curriculum from a Christian perspective, for any age.

United States History: Heritage of Freedom Student Text (4th Edition)

We read this Christian view of US History aloud to all the kids for homeschool in 2020. It's meant for older kids, but I thought it was helpful for everyone! I want to re-read it for everyone next year.

Where Was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May?
By Jean Fritz

For younger kids: this one shows a very relatable Patrick Henry, with his 17 kids who rarely wore shoes and who he preferred didn't see the inside of a schoolhouse till they were 12! He was so much more than "Give me liberty or Give me death!"

George Washington
By Ingri d'Aulaire and Edgar Parin d'Aulaire

This beautifully illustrated story of the life of George Washington helps kids understand the Colonial setting, why he was so loved by those around him, and how his responsible, thoughtfulness led to his becoming a great military and government leader.

The Fourth of July Story
By Alice Dalgliesh

Read this to the kids every Independence Day! It explains how word spread through the colonies that the 13 colonies had won their FREEDOM! Beautiful artwork too! It ends with the Bible verse that's written on the Liberty Bell: "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof" -- Leviticus 25:10

Patriot Academy

We hosted a Constitution class from Patriot Academy twice in 2021. This class was an answer from God — we were able to learn more about the US Constitution, while helping others to learn it too. We invited local small business owners, young parents soccer teammates, church folks, neighbors, and even a local politician.

We learned that the Constitution was written so the average farmer could understand it, so there’s simply no excuse not to know it. Law Degree NOT required.

Founding father, John Jay, first Chief Justice to the US Supreme Court said, “Every member of the state ought diligently to read and to study the constitution of his country, and teach the rising generation to be free. By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated, and be better prepared to defend and assert them.”

We’re nothing special. You can do this too. You buy the videos, watch them together, and discuss!

Please take the time to watch this encouraging video by Constitutional Attorney, Krisanne Hall, about how to peacefully and resolutely take back our rights and the authority that belongs to us.

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